We are passionate about your children's safety in the car; there are too many examples of parents believing they can install the child restraint/ baby car seat, only for one parent to be worried and book in for a safety check. Fact over 70% of child restraints installed by parents have been installed incorrectly (research conducted by Monash Medical Centre)
I know that when you go away with your child restraint installed, that you understand the type of issues that you may encounter, how to get over those issues and how the seat operates.
We provide a safe and reliable mobile baby car-seat fitting service for infants, toddlers and children of all ages right across Melbourne Bayside and the South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
BabyCarseat-fitting.com.au is all about helping parents and grand-parents understand what are the correct facts when it comes to the installation of a infant car seat.
Please do not hesitate to contact us on 0478 714 679 or using the email address or Contact Bentleigh child restraint fitting available on this website.